Schwarzer Hund German Shepherds

German Shepherd Breeder in Camp Hill, Alabama

Established in 2006 (Our first litter was whelped September 11, 2006), Schwarzer Hund German Shepherds is a family-owned and operated kennel located in the heart of the Southeast. We are passionate about breeding, raising and training healthy, well-socialized German Shepherd Dogs. We take great pride in our breeding program, the focus of which is to produce balanced dogs capable of work, and strive to produce puppies that meet the highest standards. Our intent has always been to produce tractable, reliable, good tempered dogs with working ability and we have had great success in this endeavor by blending mainly German, Belgian and Eastern European working lines, consistently producing excellent family, companion and working dogs.

Our German Shepherd Breeding Protocols

Regarding the protocols we have put in place for raising our litters: We utilize bio-feedback techniques and the mild stressing of neonatal pups, first developed by the U.S. military in their post Vietnam War “super dog” program. We do not just pay lip service to socialization, as we believe that it is key to producing outstanding puppies. Using simple classical conditioning we associate early feeding to whistling, so even our seven to eight week-old pups can fairly reliably be recalled with a whistle. We acclimate our puppies to loud noises (gunfire, power equipment, banging pans, etc.) and introduce them to different surfaces, people, animals and environments. They are accustomed to climbing stairs and navigating other obstacles. We encourage the development of their native intelligence by offering them problem solving challenges and daily opportunities to explore the environment beyond their kennel. Finally, we Volhard aptitude test all of our pups at seven weeks of age in order to give our clients a quantitative measure of each puppies’ characteristics.

I hope this serves as a good introduction to the goals of our breeding program. Thank you for your interest in Schwarzer Hund GSD, and feel free to call or email with any questions or concerns you might have. I look forward to the opportunity of working with you to get the best possible pup or adult dog for you and your family or workplace.

Robert G. Whitlock
Owner/Operator Schwarzer Hund GSD